Get rich blogging
A good number of bloggers are already serve much money blogging, some more than enough to live a luxurious life where financial concerns are long forgotten. Read this and you too can start making money from your blog.

Blogging is a fun hobby for many, if you put down time on your blog, it is also fair that you make money blogging. Read tips on how to earn income on the blog here.
The easiest and fastest way to start earning their own money on the internet is to start a blog. It's almost guaranteed that you will start making money, if you follow the recipe on this page.
To earn money blogging:
- Choose a theme for your blog. A blog about everything and nothing is rarely popular, the exception is if one is already known and many want to read about your life and your life. For most people, it is best to stick to one topic. Theme can be food, recreation, fashion, fitness, stocks, building cabins, travel - whatever, but it is best to choose something you are interested in.
- Find an available domain. It can be anything, but let it be relevant to you or your theme, such as your -, or (Avoid using free blog services if you want to keep all the proceeds themselves., and is for amateurs, pros let the blog be on its own domain). Buy domain through your domain registrar (which is such a great name). The website that is almost always recommended by connoisseurs Bluehost, here you get cheap domains and the service is serious.
- Prepare blog. This is yet another reason to choose Bluehost. It is easy to get started with your own blog. You create the look and content exactly the way you want it. A few clicks and you have a blog ready to go. Very simple, and with opportunities for all kinds of extensions if you want it later. Whether you have 1000 visitors a month, or 100 million so that is not a problem for Bluehost. Other places you can expect the blog goes down if there are too many visitors, and it loses a lot of the money.
- Start writing. Forget everything revenues blog soon. Please either 3 to 7 posts a week for a few months and focus on obtaining your readers. Some come by itself as the search engines pick up your blog (it normally takes 1-2 weeks before your blog appear in search results on Google).
- Monetizing your blog. Some bloggers earn well over 100,000 per week! Revenues can come from advertising, product reviews, donations and sales of own products or services. A blog is also an excellent opportunity to promote themselves.
What theme should your blog have?
It Two things that are important to think about, and the key for both of these two things are INTEREST.
One is that there has to be something that interests you. If you are interested in the blog will be about, you will soon get bored and you could save yourself the hassle of the blog. Since it is you who will manufacture your blog, it is advantageous to choose something you are interested in, a hobby, a passion, something that makes you enthusiastic and committed. Choose a topic that interests you.
The second is that the topic you choose must be able to generate interest among readers. There are many traps to go in. Clothes and Fashion is a popular blog topic, and here you can get many readers and serve good money, but there are also a lot of competition here. Cars, food, fitness, football, food are other examples of topics that captures a wide and large audience.
Limits topic, you will easily stand out in the crowd, and it's easier to hit an audience. Example: Instead of typing in general about the car and engine, type of Russian cars. The risk with this is that you limit you more than what you really want.
If you are interested in most things that have motors in them, ranging from cars to Russian fighters, so the solution is simple: create multiple blogs (and earn more money). The only limitation on how many blogs you can create is relative to how much you want to write. You can also get people to write for you, if you were to get bored - if income is higher than the cost for a writer there is no reason to not do it.
Deaths active blogs: You can monetize your blog even for years after you 've stopped blogging. For example: Someone must be Russians from one year from now you write 3 blog posts a week about Russian cars in one year, and then you can blog live his own life, and get a continuous flow of visitors through search engines for many, many years later. Advertising revenues will live his own life, and you have created a passive income source.
Frequently updated blogs: Most popular blogs are not " dead " but updated regularly, for example, 3 times a week. Readers coming back to read your new posts. Once you have found a theme for your blog, you should think well about whether you are willing to write about this topic several times a week.
The lazy middle is an option for those who want to make money on a blog, but do not have the time or the desire to update the blog several times a week. The most interesting blogs are often the ones that are updated infrequently: When blogger has something really interesting to communicate, so blogs you. Otherwise it's quiet on the blog. This is in contrast to many who updates his blog once it has reached a new idea into their heads.
Remember: for your blog to be read, it must be interesting for others! Do you want your blog to be read by many, write about something that concerns many (more readers usually means more revenue).
Use Bluehost when creating blog
To make your blog available on the internet, it is necessary to have two things: a domain and a web host (domain is the address of your blog. hosting is a park with computers (servers) which include your blog posts and photos are stored).
Bluehost makes this easy for most people. You do not know anything about programming for successful blogging via Bluehost. It 's all a click away and you have your blog. Very simple, yet scalable. Bluehost is the solution for the fresh blogs as well as the professional and most discerning bloggers.
Go to Bluehost and get your own blog
Making money blogging is easy
Anyone can make money blogging, and there are many possible sources of income.
Freelance blogs: The newspapers and some journals usually have their own bloggers, freelancers, who blogs about a topic they have knowledge. These blogs are usually linked directly to the paper itself, and is the domain / web host told the newspaper. They get paid by the papers in the same way as a writer and columnist. For most people this is not an appropriate option.
Ads.To sell advertising space or inserting advertisements from advertising systems like Google AdSense is quite common.
Donations. Some add a button " Donate " where you can donate money to bloggers (for example, if one supports the blog 's work). For people to donate money you have to add quite big enough resources in the blog. Ex: A mediocre fashion blog can earn good money, but probably not from donations. An extremely insprerende fashion blog, then maybe a donation button in its place.
Sales of own products and services.Maybe you can also sell services (courses, exclusive newsletters, web design, student aid, etc.) or products. If you sell physical products, it is not actually necessary to have a separate warehouse or store. See the next tip about dropshipping
Dropshipping. If you have a blog all you need is a good dropshipping agreement, it is actually an ingenious way to make money on your blog. Use Salehoo to get started with drop shipping, or read this guide about dropshipping.
Blogging for fun and profit: This guide has become mandatory " required reading" for successful bloggers in the United States. To succeed in blogging it is not enough to ask around for tips on the forum on internet. Much easier to make money when you know the techniques that the most successful bloggers use. Here's the ultimate recipe for making money blogging.
Now you know what options you have to monetize your blog. Try it you too, it is not difficult, and if you do not yet know how to proceed, read this article again!