Advertising Networks
Advertising network is simply a group of web sites and advertisers which want to run advertisements on those sites. Here's a list of those worth mentioning.

There are many ways to categorize advertising networks. I have split the networks in CPC; CPM; and CPA networks. However, some advertising networks may operate in more than one of these categories. For example, Commission Junction may have advertisers that offer the CPC model, and Google offers CPL in their Referal section of AdSense.
Cost Per Click
Cost per click (CPC) is used when advertisers only want to pay when a user actually clicks on an ad.
- Google AdSense - most popular CPC network. Google AdSense matches ads to your site's content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them. Advertisers go to Google AdWords.
- Yahoo Publisher Network - No investment is required, quick and easy setup.
- AdBrite - Customize ads to match your site; Approve and reject ads for your site; Works alongside other ad programs suck as Text ads, Banners, Full page ads, Inline ads, InVideo, BritePic.
- - Buy and sell ads, buy targeted CPC ads.
- Chitika - be part of the 16,000+ people earning revenue with Chitika in the blogosphere.
- Clicksor - pay webmasters up to 60% of the advertising revenue to place contextual ads on their Web sites or blogs.
- Kontera - A contextually relevant keyword that is discovered in real-time on a web page from within Kontera´s vast network of publishers, and is automatically turned into a link to the most relevant ad from among Kontera´s thousands of advertisers.
Cost Per Mille (CPM)
Cost per mille (CPM), or sometimes refered to as cost per thousand (CPT) is not an absolute cost, but rather CPM estimates the cost per 1000 views of the ad. Obviously, you'll need a great deal of traffic for this to be profitable.
- Ad Pepper Media - solutions covering almost the whole spectrum of online advertising in the segments of branding, performance marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing and ad serving.
- - mostly for larger publisher with a sales force that’s dedicated to selling premium inventory.
- AdSmart - online advertising network and Adsmart Mobile Marketing.
- Adtegrity - they offer "the same services that the biggest companies provide, but with the attention to detail you only get from a smaller company".
- - their network reaches nearly 90% of all Internet users in the U.S., making us the biggest ad network in town.
- ValueClick Media (FastClick) - "Quality, control and a robust publisher platform"
- Tribal Fusion - ad-serving solution with top CPM rates.
Cost Per Action (CPA)
The Advertising Networks below use an business model based on Cost Per Action (CPA) / Pay Per Action (PPA) / Post Per Lead (PPL). They will pay you only when your visitors do some certain action - for example they may buy something, or register for a newsletter, and you will get paid whenever your visitor copletes certain actions.
- Commission Junction - develop sustainable relationships with top-tier advertisers. CJ is known as the biggest and most popular CPA affiliate network.
- - claim they operate the largest online advertising network.
- Tradedoubler - European network of leading brand advertisers, use them to build profitable partnerships.
- Linkshare - in business since 1996 with great tools that allows affiliates to download individual product links to their website without having to manually create links to each product carried by a merchant, advanced tracking and more.
- Maxbounty - Direct merchant communication, and international affiliate payments in local currency, sub-ID reporting and second-tier referral income.
- ShareASale - 2,000 Merchants, each with different type of product and they're all ready to give you a commission on that sale if you bring a customer to them.