Be Remarkable

Marketing is not what it used to be. We're in the post-consumer age. Products and services that provide something remarkable will survive.

How To Be Remarkable

How to be remarkable and stand out in the crowd? This short text will give you some key insight.

22. October 2024 by WebMoneyGuy / Free Business Advice

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Remarkable is, as defined by our dictionary:

An adjective. Someone or something that is remarkable is very impressive or unusual.

Both unusual and very impressive! Now, that's remarkable.

How To Be Remarkable

Marketing guru Seth Godin have had one important message to marketers around the world for years:

Be remarkable!

In fact, if you're searching for the word "remarkable" in Google, Seth Godin's blog will be displayed in the first position. Now, that's remarkable.

In his article, How To Be Remarkable Godin addresses 10 ways to be remarkable, here's a quick summary of these points:

  1. Understand the urgency of the situation.
  2. Remarkable doesn't mean remarkable to you.
  3. Being noticed is not the same as being remarkable.
  4. Extremism in the pursuit of remarkability is no sin.
  5. Remarkability lies in the edges.
  6. Not everyone appreciates your efforts to be remarkable.
  7. Part of what it takes to do something remarkable is to do something first and best.
  8. It's not as frightening to be remarkable as it seems.
  9. It's only worth being remarkable if people care about it.
  10. Reinvest and reinvent if you want to keep being remarkable for a long time.

If you're not familiar with Seth Godin, the take a look at this TED talk to hear him speak, you will find him on Google or YouTube. A good introduction to him is is talk about sliced bread.

Be Remarkable... And Make Money

You're not guaranteed to make money even if your products or services are remarkable. The good news however is, that if what you sell is remarkable, people probably will hear about it, and the idea will spread..

Take a look at the things you've bought lately. How much of it is (or was) a remarkable product? For example, consider your computer: How remarkable is your computer really? It might be a really good computer to you, but is it an unusual and very impressive computer?

If you really want to know how to be ramarkable, read Purple Cow by Seth Godin.

I can think of many products that are really remarkable (at least to us) but still failed to make money. For example, the the Cube World Digital Stick People. Digital people living in boxes are surprisingly social, and highly entertaining... let alone highly unusual and very impressive (to us). They're selling this product over at ThinkGeek, but it's hard to see this product becoming a huge success all over the world.

See, even though remarkable ideas are spreading, it's not always the fastest way to make money. Take a look at the things you own, again. If you're like us then much of it is really boring stuff, not unusual and not that impressive at all. A quick glance around our office and I spot the following stuff:

  • Black marble table - nice looking, but not remarkable in any way. It may be exclusive, however it's nothing unusual.
  • A black mouse pad - it's a really boring one. It does the job, and matches perfectly the exclusive black marble table. Remarkable? Not at all.
  • Speakers - Although they do provide crystal clear sound, it's nothing remarkable about them at all.
  • Swivel chairs - they're really comfortable, but not even close to being remarkable.

Most people don't buy remarkable stuff. They just buy stuff they need and want. It doesn't need to be remarkable.

This site is not about how to make money offline, it's about making money online, and giving you step-by-step advice and inspiration on how to do so. What have you bought online, lately?

Here's some stuff we've bought online:

  • Stock photos - high quality, good shots, just what I needed, but still not remarkable.
  • Hosting and domains is needed, and this site in the link will cover both.
  • Scripts and addons - I buy tons of scripts and addons every week, but most of the time it's just stuff I need, nothing remarkable.
  • Books - we're maniacs when it comes to reading business books, and I usually buy some twenty books from Amazon each month.
  • Software - we've bought a lot of software. However, since the latest version of Dreamweaver we've bought nothing that's remarkable.

While being remarkable really can make you a lot of money, you don't absolutely have to do -- or provide -- something remarkable, everytime.

Sometimes it is enough to give people just what they need or want, and simply turn that into an irresistible offer. Then, make sure they find your offer first. If it's exactly what they need or want, they'd probably stop looking, and buy what you have to offer. Sure, marketing have changed lately. Things are different now. We've heard. But in our experience, the good old ways of marketing still works.

Multi-billion dollar companies will probably always benefit from being remarkable in a good way, but for a random WebMoneyGuy member owning a dozen AdSense websites, or any other individual or small company, it's probably enough to do a good job at driving targeted traffic, and you don't have to do anything remarkable to achieve that. You could still make millions.

Be remarkable if you want to, but just be aware that it's not always worth the extra effort.

Great ways to make money online in 2024
(Try it today. Start earning tomorrow!)

  • Sell your photos online and get paid! This has got to be the easiest method of making great extra money for almost zero effort. Just start uploading your best photos and start earning from millions of potential buyers. Greatest opportunity, really recommended!
  • Dropshipping is one of the best ways to earn colossal amounts of money online, really. Like any online business it will not be running itself, but you could start earning money from wholesale suppliers and before you know it profit from selling products you don't even own.

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