Get rich within a few years

Internet is flooded with tips on making money and how to get rich quick, mostly nonsense. There is still room for useful and sensible contributions on this exciting topic.

Get rich within a few years

How to become rich? The question is really: How rich would you be?

22. February 2025 by WebMoneyGuy / Free Cash

Let's start by defining wealth:

What does it mean to be rich? Let's say we put an equal sign between wealth and your financial assets (your assets, money and other property). But how much value you need to get rich?

Limit of wealth is subjective. Some would say that being debt free with house and car and a well-paid job is to be rich, or at least wealthy. Other sets the limit at 10 million or 10 billion.

See also: How to get rich slow

Because it is so different perceptions of the limits of wealth goes, we will divide the rest of this article into several sections:

How to earn a net worth on...

  • 5 million dollars or euros
  • 50 million €/$
  • 1 billion €/$

Earning five million dollars/euros

It's easy to achieve a net worth of over 5 million, in the long term if you follow the tips below. If you hurry, it also follows some tips to get rich quick farther down.

Search in tax lists to find people with a net worth of around 5 million. Some have been lucky and won or inherited their fortunes, others have saved diligently over a lifetime, but a significant number on this list have also earned money as leaders in business, business owners, investors or self-employed.

Use,, and especially Google and other search engines to find out more about these people. If you have the opportunity it can also be instructive to talk to some of these menenskene, you can get some good advice and inspiration.

Education provides opportunities, and if you are diligent with their studies and choose a study that provides the skills that are needed in the business world will soon be able to get a job that will pay you 400,000 to 600,000 gross.

Reasonable consumption and a healthy relationship with money is required if you want to build a fortune of over 5 million. Do not use everything you earn, but smart people money so they grow. Get Organized for the economy and pay bills on time. Do not take up precious consumer. Obvious, but very many people lack common sense when it comes to money. Therefore it is also important to keep track of their own consumption, and be conscious of not wasting money. Buy only what you need, you can indulge in luxury when you can afford it.

Money does not grow on trees but can grow elsewhere. Savings Bank savings account gives you some interest, and the risk is almost zero. Share Savings, investment property, foreign currency, foreign exchange savings, and other long-term investments can give you better returns but usually also at higher risk.

Extra Income can be many things, but it comes in handy. A small warning is not to be blinded by the opportunity to earn some extra money because " you have nothing else to do anyway." Instead of working evening or weekend on an extra job it might be smarter to invest in knowledge and to network, for example.

Passive incomeis to do the work one time and get paid many times. Another popular (but inaccurate) definition is "to make money without working." Examples of passive income:

  • Homeowners can rent sections of their house and are paid by the tenant each month.
  • Students can take up "free student " (no interest on loans Loan Fund while studying) and put the loan in the bank, the interest you receive is free money. To this one must live only on scholarship, or take a second job next (which in turn gives you more money in the bank!).
  • Get royalties. Write a book, releasing a music album, create a computer program (such as an iPhone application). You get paid every time someone buys your work, and you can outsource the job of the sales of others.

Hobby income is rarely a gold mine, but it can grow to be over time. You earn a bit of anything you regardless like (or love) to engage in, so why not try to make some of that too? Do you like to paint, draw or photograph? Sell ​​your photos. Are you into rock climbing, dog sledding and kayaking? Arranging a course or seminar or start a task group membership dues. Good at math, chemistry and other subjects in higher education? Many students are willing to pay extra tuition. Again, here there are many possibilities.

Well- paid jobs that require education and / or training are a doctor, dentist, lawyer, lawyer, real estate, engineering, and economics require higher education, but here is the opportunity for proper good wages. Special vocational education with limited availability of expertise in the community also provides good wages, an example is lift fitter. Seller Working on commission pay may be the thing for you, you must be adept at selling to make good money, but do not necessarily have any education beyond having good sales skills.

Well- paid jobs with little education can be including working night shift and overtime. Some types handling (often with overtime and Sunday jobbing) can give you an annual salary of 400 - 500k. In the North Sea and offshore wages are often higher than in the corresponding positions on land, you do not need all sorts of courses and training before you are eligible to work here. The best paper boys in Oslo takes on many routes, and may have annual earnings of million dollars. Anglers can also earn good. Do not forget that well-paid jobs that almost " everyone can " like entail unfavorable working hours or it is working with other less desirable qualities (garbage timber requires no education, but in terms of expertise and effort required is well-paid). It is best if you want to get rich is enough to have some greater ambitions than simply finding " good paying jobs do not require expertise ".

Be independent, entrepreneur, or business owner. Instead of being an employee with a regular job, you can also try to create your own job, become self -employed or a business owner, it provides challenges and often high enjoyment factor as well as great income if the business goes well. The risk is often higher than that ordinary worker, and only about 5 % of starting business successfully running the business for more than 5 years, and only 2 % of entrepreneurs succeed. Your main task as an entrepreneur is to be among those 2 %.

Get rich quick! You will earn 5 million as quickly as possible, what do you do? Some are lucky and win or inherit a lot of money, but there are coincidences. Also remember that we are talking values ​​for 5 million net, which can mean that you must serve nearly 10 million gross (through taxes). There is no specific formula or rule to get rich quick, but you must be willing to take any chances. Risk and potentially high returns, but it also increases your probabilities to blow it. For every success story you read about people who have earned a lot of money, there are many who have tried and failed. Learn from everyone who has tried both those who made ​​it and the losers.

Create value. You do not serve 5 million quickly as an employee. A regular employee must spend much of his life to build up so much money, even if she or he follows all the tips above. If you want to make a lot of money is the one thing that works, and that is to figure out a way to create value on. What can you offer that people are willing to pay for? Think about it long, every day. Do not be afraid to realize your ideas if you think of anything that you can succeed.

Be good at selling. You must also be proficient to sell, for whatever you offer must be able to convince others that it is something that is worth spending money on. Sell ​​yourself, sell your ideas, or sell your products and services.

Have fun! You can earn 5 million net while having fun, or you can wear, hate, and work for the same amount of money. To make money should be fun, it should not be a chore. It is after all " just money " is involved, life is too short to not have fun. Another thing to remember is that it is easier to make money on something you think is fun.

How to earn 50 million

You will achieve a net worth of over 50 million, where do you start?

It does not have to climb the career ladder typical education; find jobs, be an employee, working nine to four. Even with a number of promotions and good wages will be quite hopeless. The exceptions are few, but you end up being the CEO of a large company, it might hope.

So what must you do to build up a fortune of 50 million?

Start with some intelligence. Use tax lists or your network, and make a list of people who have as much money as you want, in this case 50 million dollars. Find out the most about these people. What are they doing? What have they done to build his fortune?

Good investments will also help you build your fortune, either with borrowed money or savings.

Few attain celebrity status and get a career in music, film industry, or which model, but there are few who come through the needle eye.

The strategy has created the most multi- millionaires are still to build a successful company, often from scratch. Start in the garage if you need to. Alternatively, buy a company that already has been a little success, making it a great success.

Become super rich and make 1 billion dollars or euros

There 's nothing wrong with having ambition in life

It is allowed to dream. Some have earned well over a billion, even though they started with nothing and without higher education. What you should do so to earn enough to build a multi-billion dollar fortune?

Start by reading biographiesif those who have served the filthy rich, and if you have the opportunity, talk to billionaires who have built up on your own.

" How to Make a billion " is not a subject in school. No one can tell you exactly what you must do to earn that much money. You must be grievous enough to hatch a plan to earn a billion, and you need to implement the plan.

A common feature among the rich is to be born in a rich family. Some of these have also been born rich, but others have built their fortunes from scratch. Grocery, shipping, hotels, industry and tobacco are other key words here. Other key is discipline, motivation, willingness to take risks, focus, competitive spirit, flair for business, capitalist thinking, and probably also a little bit greed.