Offer Your Services Online

This guide will help you to find what services you could provide, and then determine if they have the potential to make you $1,000 per day.

Offer Your Services Online
22. October 2024 by WebMoneyGuy / Make Money Online 🤑

The EASIEST system to make money online? Well that depends, but this is hands down the best we have found so far: Best method to make money online right now...

How To Make Money By Offering Your Services Online

Unlike the other guides I provide for free, this is not going to be a do this–get that guide. Which services you may offer depends on your skills, so the purpose of this text is to help you determine what services you may offer online.

How To Start Freelancing on the Web

We've all seen the scammy make money online ads. They do not work, and they are scams.

But there are ways to make money online, for everyone. It's called freelancing, doing remote for for other people and businesses.

How do you start? Well, it's easy.

You know something. There is probably many who would pay for your knowledge and work today. Seriously. You might know how to write well, a second language, programming, drawing, researching topics on the internet. It can be anything, really, and for that, you can get paid.

Here's how you start: Just register with a freelancing service (it's free, paid upgrades are available, but you can easily get started with the free services offered).

Freelancing services worth trying:

  • Fiverr is the best freelancing service, hands down, the best of the best on the web if you want to start working as a freelancer. Massive opportunity to find work (and to get others doing your work too, if that's what you're looking for). Perfect for sellers (people selling their work, their time) and buyers searching for other people to do some work for them. Did you know, you could always use Fiverr as a way of arbitrage, like you find people here doing some work, and then you find someone elsewhere who will pay more for that work. Just begin using the service, and you'll have ideas start popping out of your head all the time, it's great.
  • AndCo is a must for freelancers, some of the best freelancing tools are here. Use it and you'll spend more time doing what you love (thus, probably making more money too!). They will handle the paperwork, proposals, payments and whatnot. No more headaches in freelancing with this service, it's one of the best value-for-money in the freelance-space, really.
  • Fiver for Business is a game changer, one of the best ideas ever for freelancers who want to achieve more by working in teams. Perfect for start ups, business owners, teams of any kind and a highly recommended service. This is one amazing collaboration tool, really useful for organizing and managing projects, communication, deliveries, and budgeting. Best is, everything can be done from just one dashboard, and it makes everything just so much easier. Your day will become a different world once you start using this service, but don't take our word for it, just try them as it's free and there are paid versions as well, you'll probably want those as the small price will be paid back multiple times over in extra business.

Definition: What Is A Service?

Wikipedia defines a service as:

...the non-material equivalent of a good. A service provision is an economic activity that does not result in ownership, and this is what differentiates it from providing physical goods

The same is true for online services. However, one important advantage when offering your services online is that you don't need to be physically present.

The Goal

The goal is to make $1,000 per day by offering your services online.

There are basically two important key factors if you want to succeed at offering services online that people will buy:

  • Offer a valuable and remarkable service.
  • Sell yourself successfully online.

Project: Offer Your Services Online

Target: To make $1,000 online by offering your services online.

Difficulty level: Depends on the service you're offering.

Time to implement: Same as above.

Startup cost: Same as above.

Must have: Same as above.

Required skills: Again, it depends.

In this step-by-step guide I will provide information on how to offer your services online. Unlike the other guides I have written, I've deliberately kept this text somewhat vague, as "services" could refer to a wide range of online activities, such as providing advice, consulting, regulary newsletters and subscription services, webcam entertainment, producing banners and screensavers, coding, etc.

STEP ONE: Determine your skills / your talent

Nobody would pay $1,000 per day for services that anyone could do easily. In most cases, to make $1,000 per day by offering your services you will have to be perceived as an expert, or at least a knowledgeable or skilled individual.

Everyone got talents. However, if you don't know what your talents are, then you will need persistence and various experiences to find them.

Peoples talents also tend to be a component of their interests. If someone has a talent of painting landscapes, they usually find it amusing or fun to do so. If someone has a talent in music, they tend to also enjoy music. When finding your talent, spend time doing what you love to do.

Now, if you don't know what your talents are, or even if you believe you don't have any (which I hardly believe!), then you may have some sort of skill or knowledge that other people could use. Some skills and knowledge could be leveraged to make money online.

For example, if you're good at writing and marketing, then you could make a fulltime income online by providing advice on copywriting to companies. There are many copywriters on the web today offering their services, but many of them cannot deliver high quality content (more examples soon).

STEP TWO: Make an offer

To make money legally and ethically, there is one component that is an absolute must: an offer. If you don't have anything to offer, then you won't have buyers. And if you don't have buyers, you won't make money.

Here's a few suggestions on what to offer, based on what skills one might have:


    • Math - Help students with their projects. Help companies with complex math problems.
    • Psychology - Create an e-course on various psychological topics.
    • Graphic Design - Help with creation of logos, headers, banners, screensavers, buttons, powerpoint documents and graphical profiles for companies.
    • Alternative Medicine - Offer holistic counseling and therapy.
    • Dieting - Answer questions on dieting by using e-mail or Skype.

    • Coach - Offer online coaching.
    • Lawyer - Legal adviser. Offer consulting services to copmanies.
    • SEO - Help companies as a freelancer to rank high in the search engines for spesific keywords.
    • Daytrader - Provide a live service for members only with daytrading advice.
    • Salesperson - Sell monthly subscription to a newsletter with current sales-strategies.

    • Creative person - Help people to develop new ideas.
    • Psychic - Offer readings by using online expert services.
    • Handyman - Create an how-to e-course on how to repair stuff in the home, answer questions.
    • Cooking - Provide a live webcam service on how to prepare delicious meals inexpensively.
    • Telling jokes - Entertain people using a webcam, newsletter, homepage, helping other to be funny, etc.
    • Skilled writer - Provide ghostwriting services online

Most people have at least one skill that they could use to make a profit online. Everyone knows something about something. You could make money in just about any field as an advisor or consultant, or you could create something that could be delivered digitally, for example in a PDF file, a live webcam stream, in a newsletter, etc.

It's essential that you have qualities and skills that others are willing to pay for if you want to make money online by selling your services.

Determine what you have in terms of academic knowledge, personal skills, useful experience, etc. that you could use to help other people or corporations or give them what they want. It could be useful to write a list with every single skill, knowledge and experience you have that could be sold as an service. Then pick one thing from that list that you truly believe you can capitalize on online.

Create Your Offer

You should now have selected one particular skill or knowledge you have that you believe you could capitalize on online.

Now, create an offer.

For a graphic designer, the offer could be "I will create a better graphical profile that your customers will associate with, for $4,000."

For a SEO, the offer could be "give me $60,000 and I will make your website rank number one for the following keywords..."

In your offer you should include the following:

  • Describe the contents of your offer clearly in a way the customer understands. What is it actually that you are offering?
  • Give them a price and if you cannot give a spesific price then at least give an estimate, or hourly rates etc. How much must your customers pay?
  • Describe the benefits of your offer. Why should they use your service, and how could it help them acrieve what they want?

STEP THREE: Sell Yourself Online

You can make $1,000 per day as a psychic reader, as a SEO adviser, as a graphic freelance designer, or as just about anything as long as there are enough customers willing to spend money on what you offer them.

Even if people or companies find that your description of the offer and it's pricetag is really good, they might not take it. That's because YOU are a part of the offer.

You don't need your own website to sell your services online. Here are a few websitest where you could offer your services:

  • Fiverr (recommended). This is your best choice if you want to sell something online or offer your services to the world. Huge community, very successful site, and if you are not already a member here you are missing out big time.This large digital marketplace is perfect for freelancers. From this site you can outsource almost any digital product or service you can think of.
  • - A service that matches people who have questions to the people who are qualified to answer them. You can make money by providing advice to people searching for answers.
  • Elance - Elance provides an opportunity for everyone to find work and do what they love. Individuals and firms join Elance and create their online profile in order to be immediately connected to businesses looking for their expertise.
  • Intota - the choice of business, technical, and legal professionals to connect with over 10,000 experts for Expert Consulting, Expert Witness, and Expert Research.
  • Keen - Personal Advice. Here you will need to answer on the phone, so it's not actually online services, but it's a highly popular one and you might want to check it out anyway.
  • Rent A Coder - Make money from your hard-won technical skills.
  • - is the oldest & largest free Q&A service on the Internet. While you will not make money by using this service, it can give your Prestige and Reputation, and help you to build a customer base.

There are thousands of websites that provide similar services that you could use to provide your own services online. Some are targeted to a certain niche (for example, is for software developers and software users). If your native language is not english, then you might want to do a search for the term corresponding to "expert advise" in your language.

By using services as these mentioned above, you won't have to worry about how to create your own website, and get traffic to your website etc. (so that people will find your offers). However, if you're going to make $1,000 per day by providing offers online you will benefit greatly from having your own site.

STEP FIVE: Market Your Offer By E-Mail

This is an easy way to get some customers. All you have to do is find people or companies that would be likely to buy your services. Contact them and gently present them to your offer.

DON'T SPAM! Spam is unsolicited email, that often advertises a product or service. There's nothing to gain by spamming your prospects, at least not in the long run. Instead, create personal messages, and know your recipent and send them one by one to recipents that actually would care to read them.

You might want to use services like MailChimp if you have a huge e-mail list, however don't send out e-mails to people in bulk unless you have their permission to do so.

STEP SIX Market Your Offer On Your Own Website

An excellent way to market your offer is through your own website. For this purpose you must have a hosting account and a domain.

Bluehost is a great host that provides excellent support and a lot of free tools for it's customers.

If you don't already have a domain and a hosting account, get started with a hosting account from Bluehost and start by select their shared hosting solution. Then find a domain that describes your service (for example, if you are offering an online coaching newsletter, then you could buy something like

How to select a good domain name for your CPC website? For small sites such as the sites we're about to make, it's probably a good idea to put keywords inside your domain name. For example, if you're creating a CPC website about office furniture, then your domain could be or something similar. Think of your target customers and your overall marketing strategy when finding your domain.

Bluehost provides a Money Back Guarantee so if you decide to change to another host later, then there's no problem to do so.

For now, you just need to get a host and a domain, and then move on to the next step.

If you don't know how to build a website, you could use Bluehost's free tools to create your website. Just point and click to get your Instant Blogs / Portals / Website. You can add guestbooks, forums, counters, form mails, and so much more.

STEP FIVE: How To Get Paid

There's a lot of payment options you could use. Read the article Payment options on the internet

Make $1,000 From Offering Services Online

It goes without saying that if you're going to make $1,000 per day from your services, you must know how to sell your services and do it very well. Furthermore, you will need to provide services that are of a certain quality. You won't stay in business for long if it's all marketing hype and no real substance.

Focus on the customers that creates the highest overall profit. If you provide a service for $10 per customer, and you deliver to 100 customers per day (equals $1,000 per day), you might end up spendig a lot of time dealing with customers that have generated very little profit. What if you could sell your service to just two customers per day for $500 each? That would also add up to $1,000 per day. Don't be afraid to set your prices high. If you set your prices too low, then you might damage your credibility.

Branding Yourself is all about making your name known, and make people associate certain qualities to YOU. The ultimate position in branding is one where the market sees you as the only solution to their problem in your niche or industry. Crete a name (brand) for yourself and your service(s), and it'll become much easier to sell what you offer. More about branding in this article: Branding Yourself.

Great ways to make money online in 2024
(Try it today. Start earning tomorrow!)

  • Sell your photos online and get paid! This has got to be the easiest method of making great extra money for almost zero effort. Just start uploading your best photos and start earning from millions of potential buyers. Greatest opportunity, really recommended!
  • Dropshipping is one of the best ways to earn colossal amounts of money online, really. Like any online business it will not be running itself, but you could start earning money from wholesale suppliers and before you know it profit from selling products you don't even own.

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