Ringtone Websites

In this step-by-step guide we will help you to make money in the billion dollar ringtones industry.

Ringtone Websites
11. February 2025 by WebMoneyGuy / Make Money Online

Ever heard of a guy called Shoemoney? His real name is Jeremy Schoemaker, and he's famous for his money making skills and his 132,994.97 check which was income generated for just one month using Google AdSense and one simple Ringtone Website. The check has been verified by Google.

Surely, Schoemaker is not the only person that has been making good money from ringtones. You can make money from ringtones too!

Ringtones is a multi-billion dollar industry and although there's a lot of competition, there's plenty of room for even more ringtone websites, at least if you create niche websites in the ringtone industry (more about this soon).

Project: Ringtones Website

  • Target: To make $1,000 online from ringtone websites.
  • Difficulty level: Medium
  • Time to implement: It will definitly take hard work and a few months to reach $1,000 – but you can start to make money within just a few days with this method.
  • Startup cost: $10 to $100 for domain and hosting
  • Must have: Hosting account and a domain
  • Required skills: Everything you need to know will be thought in this guide. However, you should have basic computer knowledge.

You will get a .zip file containing a website. You will customize the website and upload it to your host, and provide a domain for it. You will make money from various sources in the ringtones industry.

The goal is as stated above to make $1,000 per day from the ringtone industry. While this takes a lot of work, it's not rocket science, and I would say most people could actually pull this off if they posess a strong desire to make money by doing this.

STEP ONE: Get A Domain And Hosting

You'll need a domain and hosting solution for your ringtones website. I highly recommend you use a trusted host.

If you don't have a good host already: We've tried many different hosts in the last 10 years, and believe us, there are not many hosting solutions as good as Bluehost. They provide one of the most affordable hosting solutions for simple static sites like the ringtone website you're about to make. Both professionals and amateurs use them.

Continue to the next step once you've found a hosting solution and a good domain name.

STEP TWO: Download the Ringtones website

I used to give you a script that included a website, and a very simple CMS (content management system) that will help you to create and update articles withouth having to know anything about HTML or PHP. It didn't even use a database, and you would not have to know anything about MySQL at this point.

However, this script had some issues. I now recommend using this site instead.

STEP THREE: Pick A Niche

Quickly pick a niche for your first ringtones website. It could be anything related to ringtones that you think a significant number of online users will find interesting.

A ringtones niche could be Hard Rock Ringtones; Mozart Ringtones; Commercial Ringtones; Movie Quotes Ringtones; Animal Ringtones; Funny Ringtones; College Humor Ringtones; Ringtone Soundeffects; Retro Ringtones; How to make your own ringtones; Free MP3 Ringtones; ... you get the idea. Pick a niche for your first ringtones website, and move on to the next step.

Stop and pick one niche that you will use for your first ringtone website. It's not a big deal, just stop for a second, think, and quickly pick one niche...

Got it? Great. Remember what niche and move forward to the next step.

STEP FOUR: Connect With Your Partners

For this project, we're going to use one Ringtones partner, and one CPC partner:

If you're not affiliated with the companies above already, then create an account with them now.

Both of these programs will provide you with a lot of useful information on how to make money with them.

STEP FIVE: Upload the website

If you don't have a FTP software installed, get it now.

You need FTP software to upload and download your website files.

You could buy FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software, or get it for free (legally). Here are three FREE options for you:

STEP SIX: Write 10 - 30 good articles about Ringtones

Your site need not have more than 30 articles, however it should not have fewer than 10 articles. A good ringtones article should be written both for the search engines AND for your visitors. There has been written many books on the subject, and could not be easily summarized in a few paragraphs.

When it comes to SEO Writing (writing for high ranking in the Search Engines) there are many myths. In fact, most of what you can read online is based on SEO myths. If you want to find out how the search engines really work, then you will have to do so yourself. If a professional SEO writer or webmaster have found a great way to rank high in the Search Engines, well, then it's very unlikely that they will reveal their secrets, even if they got paid for it. You see, the best SEO companies and SEO experts all have their secrets which they will never share with anyone. Your only option is to test, test, test. Furthermore, what seems to work in one niche might not work in other niches.

Clearly, outbound links are great (but not in all cases), just as structured inbound linking may help your rankings (or even hurt your rankings).

As you probably understand, writing for the web is more art than science, and it's not all about usability—Jackb Nielsen's advice on web writing are good for writing articles that people care to read, but they won't help you much if nobody reads them. SEO writing is complex, but for now here's a few suggestions:

  • When writing for the Search Engines, use proper keywords in your text.
  • Use words that people are likely to search for (I suggest you use Google Keyword Tool)
  • Use bold-tags (strong) and italic (em) on relevant keywords in your text
  • Use words synonymous with your main keywords, as the Search Engines are getting more semantic-oriented than they used to be.
  • Use strategic inbound linking, put your keywords inside the link tags.

These are just a few suggestions. Getting to the top in the search engines takes practice and experience. Reading about the topic in books and in formus might give you some good advice, but remember: most of it is still based on myths. Google's search algorithm is still a mystery to anyone except a few selected insiders from Google. The best way to learn SEO and writing for the web is simply to do it.

Write articles, create websites, and see for yourself what works. Do that, and you will eventually make money... a lot of money.

Learn more about how to sell stuff online in this guide: Content That Sells.

STEP SEVEN: Get targeted traffic to your Ringtones website

Traffic in itself is worthless. Only the visitors that takes a desired action has value. If they like your site and talk about your site in forums, that's okay. But if you're going to make money you will have to attract the visitors that do some action that you can profit from. You want traffic that produces CPC profits, leads and sales.

There are basically two kinds of traffic: Natural traffic, and Paid Traffic.

What is the best way to get traffic?

This is the best way to get traffic. Period.

Paid Traffic

Paid Traffic is not of particular interest right now. For example, if you're going to make a profit by paying for traffic using AdWords, and convert (make money with) this traffic by using AdSense—then we're going into arbitrage, which we're not going to do right now. So, in this step-by-step guide we're not going to pay for traffic.

Natural Traffic

Natural Traffic is cheap. You won't get it all for free though, as you will have to invest your time. You've already written good keyword rich articles, and this is one of the most important SEO tasks you can do. Now, if you've also written good headlines (in terms of SEO) then you won't have to know what META tags is or why they are important for SEO purposes as our script will take care of this automatically for you. So what's left is linkbuilding and getting the word out through social networks and forums.

I won't go into details on how to do this right now though. But it's really simple: Use linkbuilding to get outbound links to your site. Simply ask webmasters to post a link to your site without them asking for anything in return. Getting along with webmasters is important. Also, if your site is interesting for other webmasters then they might link to your site even without you asking them. Use your creativity to generate outbound links. Finally, market your site through forums, commenting in blogs and in social networks, but NEVER SPAM, and don't violate any Terms of Service – it'll backfire.

Learn how to convert your traffic into cash in this article: Traffic That Converts.

STEP EIGHT: Multiply Your Income

By now you should already begin to make money from your site, if you have followed the procedure as described above in this gude.

At this point you should have one ringtone website that generates traffic, and that produces some revenue for you. If your ringtone website still does not make you at least $10 per day, then read through the steps above again, and see if you missed anything. And if you still can't make $10 per day from one site, then read all the articles from my site, and apply everything you learn from these articles. And if you still don't make $10 per day from your ringtone website, then start from scratch with a new ringtones website.

Even "n00bs" will find that making money from ringtones websites is easy, but it's certainly much more difficult to go from zero profits to $10 to $100 per day, than it is to go from $100 in profits to $1,000 per day. Experience is the key to success with ringtone website, so don't give up too easily.

STEP TEN: Create Your Ringtone Empire

Once you have one ringtone website that creates a steady revenue for you, at least $10 per day, you should create another ringtone website, preferably a niche ringtone website. Remember, ringtones is a multi-billion dollar industry, and if $1,000 per day is a drop in the ocean compared to the whole industry.

Once you have two successful ringtone webistes, create another ringtone website in another niche. Keep on doing that until you have 10 ringtone websites. This may sound like a lot of work, and it is, but believe us, it's definitly worth it. You should by now make at least $100 per day from your ringtone websites.

Use your business intelligence and see which websites perform best (Google Analytics are very useful when measuring performance). Take wisdom from what the data tells you: If one site creates 70% of your income, and the other 9 websites generate only 30% of your revenue, then identify the success factors for your best performing site, what made this website so much more popular?

Keep on building new ringtone websites until you reach $1,000 per day. 10 sites may be enough for some of you to reach $1,000 per day. Others might build 100 ringtone websites before they reach $1,000 per day. However, it's probably better to use your energy and time to create 10 ringtone websites that eventually generate $100 per day each, rather than creating 100 sites that just generate $10 each (especially bacause of the SEO related work with each new site).

You Can Do It!

Making as much as $1,000 per day from ringtones means that you will need to WORK HARD and use your creativity and business sense, but it's definitly possible for most people that are determined to succeed.

Making money from the ringtones industry is fairly easy. There's many ways to take your share. You could even create your own ringtones and sell them on your website, or offer them for free to generate extra traffic or to capture email adresses, then promote relevant advertisements in daily or weekly newsletters. Bottom line is that the ringtone industry is HUGE. If you want to make a lot of money, this is definitly one great opportunity.

Be creative and work hard, learn as much as you can about the ringtones industry, and eventually you're almost guaranteed to make at least $1,000 per day.

Finally, I would recommend taking a look at another site which will help you generate even more money from your online activities.